
Showing posts from October, 2019

Isle of Man TT - The most dangerous Racing Event

The most important thing for hardcore Bikers is the feeling when they ride their bike. Whenever that type of riders rides their bike, they forget everything around them.The sound, the adrenaline, the rush when they pull the throttle to max is something that can't be described. It is something which is beyond explanations. They can't get those feelings on the track. It can only be achieved on roads...dangerous roads. But nowadays, it's almost impossible to find a place where we can see that pure and raw form of riding and they can express their unconditional love towards it...all thanks to speed limits and banning of adventurous roads .... which is happening due to strict road safety policies being adopted all around the globe to prevent accidents...but in the process, that raw feeling of riding and adrenaline rush has been suppressed. But there is always a solution to every problem. Lies in the middle of iris sea, situated between UK and Ireland, there is an isla...